Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thee escape journal

Day 1

Our journey began as we escaped New York. The rain was falling thick as nails. It was as if the buildings had all been filled with water then jabbed with pins and they all exploded drops of rain. We flipped our collars to our thick black winter coats, this awkward black thing hugged me with each of its arms over mine as we swung through the city. For a moment I was warm,for this moment I felt safe. I found a small child gliding down 2nd ave, lost in the streets flood. I lifted him up into my arms. Its naked pale body was lighter than a balloon, I almost through it into the air surprised by its lightness, I mean lightness the boy's pale skin shined like a white bulb. I dropped the child and let it be swept by the surge of water.
"Jesus" I said, realizing I was actually attempting to speak to the man.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dry spots/ Success

Snow in slow motion
cold quiet air
sweating with the drunks
trying to find a dry spot
I had something to do
but I forgot and I should eat first
two dollars in quarters
I can try to call her eight time
till the money runs out
then who knows
I may have to go over there
but it's dry here and I should eat

If the snow covered me with the phone pressed
against my ear my hands stuck in solid liquid
my chest held like a hands punch
slowly crushing my bones
digging into my chest
If I died slowly in this cold
creating a ringing sound in your warm empty apartment

I could say I died trying

it doesn't take much to try these days
and death is the only thing we all definitely do succeed at
but I wouldn't call it success

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Red hotel

I was wasting my time
gleaming in the piss light
Somedays I can't believe I made it out of my red hotel
I thought had to live with the lion
I thought I had to if i were to live
but one day I asked myself
What's the point?
If everything you love makes you sick
What's the point?
We had no noble battles worth fighting for
So we turned against ourselves and try to bully out the nobility
What use are 2 battle ships
if were both lost at sea?
When will the dogfight turn against us?
The dollars laying in the dust wont strengthen us
I was afraid it would kill me
So afraid I stayed drunk for 18 months
never leaving my red hotel
What's the point?
If all you love makes you sick?
What's the point?
When I checked out of my red hotel
I walked out on my own two feet
walking through the lobby
not looking to either side of me
Is was all I could do
to save me