The common thread between me and any "scene" I have partook in has been people who are restless, self-reliant, well traveled and are mainly self-taught on any skill they have inherited.
In my "adult" years travel, music and literature have all dictated moves I have made in my life.
At a very early age I began to grasp onto the stories of musicians and artists. I searched for obscure films and writings to validate that there was a world out side of the one I knew, I became obsessed with the lives of artist and others who had forced new ways of living for themselves often in spite of comfort or notoriety.
When growing up in
When I first encountered this young traveling culture they seemed to embody all I was looking for. They did things often blindly and were obviously naive but they seemed fearless and accepted failure. Their life style guaranteed obscurity, discomfort but also was exciting, their lives were built on experience and constant movement and escape from the mundane. Suddenly the characters in the books, the musicians were all real and with will power and endurence everything was attainable. Of course it was not all this simple but for my young naive mind everything had just been rewritten.
I spent a summer hopping trains after leaving college, I was impressed at how much the community overlapped. We had gotten our hands on guides that had been compiled by other travelers that held infinite helpful information. Starting as broadly as where the trains go, to places to stay and where to find free food to where a plank of wood had been placed to help cross a creak. I was amazed, here I was apart of a community that existed with structure and thrived on its own world. These became the same reasons I left this community. It was too isolated, too cut off from society and like the community I left for it, I began to find it too isolating and overly controlled by a ideaology that was not my own.
I wanted to continue in the direction but I didn't want to get lost in a scene that held to many standards, I felt it was counter productive to the independetence it hinted at and too much was done in spite. I had my problems with society but I was not ready to turn away from it completely.
When I returned home I searched out other parts of D.I.Y.( do it your self) culture eventually I fell in with a wherehouse space in
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